Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Asia Pacific Autism Conference Perth Australia 8-10 September 2011

"Creating and Inspiring the Future"
The Autism Association of Western Australia invites you to join them for the international Asia Pacific Autism Conference (APAC11) to be held 8-10 September 2011 in Perth, Western Australia.

Register here for pre-Early Bird savings.


 Professor David G. Amaral, Ph.D. (USA)

Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences Research Director and Beneto Foundation Chair

The M.I.N.D. Institute, University of California, Davis

Professor Catherine Lord, Ph.D. (USA)

Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Pediatrics

Director of the Autism and Communications Disorders Centre, University of Michigan
Professor Patricia Howlin (UK)

Professor of Clinical Child Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry

Kings College London
Professor Gary Mesibov, Ph.D. (USA)

Professor of Psychology, Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology

Former Director of TEACCH, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Theo Peeters (Belgium)

International Specialist and Founder of the Opleidingscentrum Autisme (Centre for Training in Autism), Antwerp, Belgium
Professor Tony Attwood (Australia)

Adjunct Professor, Griffith University, Queensland
Hilde DeClercq (Belgium)

Director of the Centre for Training in Autism, Antwerp, Belgium

Lecturer, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Kind regards,

Emily Chee

Event Manager

EECW Pty Ltd

P: +618 9389 1488

F: +618 9389 1499



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