Monday, July 5, 2010



On behalf of the Autism Association of Western Australia we have pleasure in inviting you to the Asia Pacific Autism Conference 2011 (APAC 2011) which will take place from 8th to 10th September 2011 at the Burswood Resort in Perth, Western Australia.

A wide range of leading international and national speakers will come together to exchange ideas on current scientific findings and best-practice in working with children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The Asia Pacific Autism Conference has developed as one of the most important international conferences on Autism in the southern hemisphere. It attracts leaders from the region and beyond, as well as families and carers.

APAC 2011 is hosted by the Autism Association of Western Australia, an organization recognized as a leader in the field, providing services across the lifespan to people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families.

The Conference is being planned in liaison with the Australian Autism Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders, the national peak body providing advice to the Australian Government on issues affecting people with Autism and their families

We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Perth in September 2011 for what will be a memorable and rewarding experience.

Joan McKenna Kerr

Conference Chair

Chief Executive Officer

Autism Association of Western Australia (Inc); and

Director, Australian Autism Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders