Friday, October 9, 2009

Anthony Semann Environments Workshop 29.10.09

Adapted from PSCWA  Email -

‘The environment should be regarded as a window of opportunity for young children, a well-spring of inspiration and a source of wonder and delight‘ (Shepherd and Eaton, 1998)
• Can you imagine the perfect early childhood space?
• Can you visualise the elements that would be required in this perfect space?

• What is the role of natural elements in the designing of children’s learning spaces?
• Where can innovative and inspirational equipment be purchased?

This presentation will provide learners with an opportunity to re-imagine early childhood spaces, providing them with practical ideas of how to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Participants will be taken on an inspirational and creative journey throughout this presentation and will walk away full of ideas on how to transform both their indoor and outdoor spaces.

‘The environment should sing the song of the joy of teaching, the characteristics of the people who work and live in this space and their dreams for a landscape of possibilities’ (Semann & Shepherd 2008)

Early childhood spaces play an important role in assisting children learn and participate. Spaces should be ones which

• Foster creativity
• Allow children to engage in learning
• Provide safety and security
• Allow for wonder and delight
• Spark the imagination
• Provide challenges and foster problem solving

‘Practitioners ... need to dream about possibilities, not just of known landscapes but places of otherness, wonder and delight’ (Semann & Shepherd 2008)

Cnr Dunkley Ave & Canning Hwy
9.30AM - 4.00PM
COST: $55 per person

What makes a space memorable for children

their families and for staff?

Thinking about environments should start at the gate and continue along the path up the entrance and then within.

The environment should:
• have an air of freshness and serenity;
• be clean, well maintained and organised with no clutter or visual barriers;
• reflect cultural elements that are important to the community;
• promote a sense of well being, tranquility, wonder and delight;
• have places and spaces for moving between experiences, for meeting and connecting, for networking and for contemplating or for simply being alone with one’s thoughts;
• reflect the choices made by children, their voices and their experiences;
• be filled with opportunities and invitations to engage;
• reflect the richness of the relationships that have developed over the years;
• respect and value childhood;
• provide rich memories for life.

About Anthony Semann

Anthony is a Director at Semann & Slattery. Anthony has worked as an educator, innovator and advocate with a broad range of government and private organisations. His skills and expertise has seen him work across Australia and overseas. Anthony is in demand as a presenter, facilitator and public speaker. Anthony has qualifications in Education, Sociology and Social Policy. Anthony is currently completing a PhD with a research focus on leadership and courage.

To register, contact PSCWA

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