Thursday, November 18, 2010

WA 2011 Early Childhood, Education & Care Conference


Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 June 2011, Perth Convention Centre

Child Australia is pleased to announce the 2011 Western Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Conference “Windows of Opportunity” to be held over the weekend of June 18 & 19 2011.

“Windows of Opportunity” reflects a significant period in time in which early childhood leaders, educators (in childcare and school settings), academics, researchers and policy makers can come together to work collaboratively to ensure our children have the best start in life.

The conference will provide participants a wide range of international and national key note speakers who will present on the most current research findings and provide a variety of workshops based on Leadership, Learning Environments and Relationships.

The areas of Advocacy, Curriculum and Assessment, Reflective Practice, Play, Early Childhood Education for Aboriginal Children and Inclusion will also be in focus.

To register your interest or find out more visit

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