Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Training Calendar from PSCWA

Hi Staff,

Look through this training calendar from PSCWA.
If you do see something interest you, please check with your ISF if you could apply under 'FSF' for a funding subsidy, to release time for permanent child care workers/carers to attend specialist training that is relevant to the inclusion of a child with additional needs.

Alternatively, speak with PSCWA to see if they are able to tailor made trainings to the needs of your centre.

Please plan in advance.

PSCWA Training 2010

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Claim Forms and Attendance Records Form from KU

Let us know if you would need us to assist with the forms.
We will try!

ISS New Claim Forms and Attendance Records Forms

And remember to claim your Centre's ISS before the deadline.

ISS Claim Deadline for 2009/2010

You are Invited to our Sharing Session!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Autism Solution - Channel 7

I caught a snippet of the interview on Sunday Night - 20091115.

Is it for real or is it another invested interest on families of children with Autism?

Autism Solution - Is it for Real?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Strengthening Mental Health by CLAN WA

I think this workshop will help us revisit some of the fundamentals in communicating with professionals. Sometimes in the course of our heavy workload, we may forget that the right thing to do may not be the fastest way to it.

Very short notice but sign up as soon as possible if it suits you.

Program Manager, SMIST

Thursday, November 12, 2009

SM Inclusion Support Client Satisfaction Form

Dear Services,

It is the time of the year where most of us will be busy reflecting on the best practices of 2009 and all armour ready for challenges in 2010.

SMIST is also looking forward to events in 2010 and we hope to have some input from you.

Please help us with our Client Satisfaction Form for 2009 and we welcome suggestions on what would you like SMIST to assist you in the near year. We understand that 2009 had been a year of new forms and IPSP guidelines. If you would like us to come out and attending a informal meeting with your staff about these new guidelines, this can be one of your objectives for SMIST in the new year.

Please get a form from your ISF. Every feedback will help us grow. No centre will be penalised for speaking their minds.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Program Manager - SMIST


We would like to convey our many thanks to our Media Manager for helping us upload our latest copy of our newsletter onto the Children's Services Website at Communicare.

For some reasons if you have not received a copy through your email, please click on the link and it will direct you to a copy on the website.

Let us know if you like our newsletter or if you think we can improve our future editions.

SM Inclusion Newsletter Spring/Summer 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Inclusion Support Facilitator

Carolyn started with SMIST on 4 November.
You will see her attending to some service visits with our exisiting ISFs.

Please extend a warm welcome to Carolyn when she pops in.

Working with Vulnerable Families: Mental Health workshop 11 Nov, 9am to 12pm

Location: City of Armadale Function Centre

Friday, November 6, 2009

Trainings by PSCWA

November 23rd
Cross Cultural Communication in Early Childhood
6.30-8.30 YMCA

Facilitator: Goodrun Solutions
Accreditation Links: QIAS; 2.1, 4.3 OSHC: 2.2, 3.3 FDC: 1.1, 3.6

The workshop will help you discover how much fun it is to use a variety of means to communicate with each other and the children!

30th Programming and Planning for FDC
6.30-9pm YMCA
Facilitator: YMCA
Accreditation Links: FDC 3

Do you find yourself asking the question “What is the need for all this programming?” This session will give Family Day Carers an opportunity to learn about purposeful documentation and how to use it to provide an
environment that is in tune with each child’s current interests, abilities and needs, whilst being flexible and adaptable to the home environment.

Please contact PSCWA to register. Hurry! Seats are limited.