PSCWA are reminding services of the upcoming November Professional Development in your area.
If you would like to attend any of this training please complete the training registration form attached, or call the helpline on 1800 783 768.
To view the complete Metro training calendar please look at
PSCWA Website
Please place this reminder in your staff room to remind your staff of our upcoming workshops or discuss them at your next staff meeting.
Upcoming Professional Development
2nd Creating Musical Instruments
6.30-8.30 George Burnett Leisure Centre
Descriptor: Creating Musical Instruments
Facilitator: RTQ consultants, Ralph Southall
Accreditation Links:
Level: 1&2
Do you have a professional tool Kit? For Childcare workers they come in all shapes and sizes and are filled
with wondrous things. Including homemade Musical instruments.
This is a fun creative workshop were you will have the opportunity to make a variety of percussion (musical)
instruments to use back in your centre with the children. E.g. Drums, Tapping Sticks, Shakers, etc.
10th Financial Administration
6.30-8.30 YMCA
The learning outcomes for this course include identifying your daily financial responsibilities, maintaining true and accurate records and financial reporting requirements of your service. You will also work through
strategies in monitoring expenditure and income against the budget, and achieve a cash flow projection.
11th Reducing the Paperwork in Programming
6.30-8.30 Armadale Arena
Descriptor: Facilitator: RTQ, consultants, Ralph Southall
Accreditation Links: QIAS: 3 OSHC: 4 FDC: 3
Level: 2&3
During this workshop participants will participate in a discussion forum on how to reduce programming paper
work. Participants are all encouraged to bring samples of their current programming formats and observational records for advice on how to streamline your processes.
16th Out and About for OSHC
10-12pm Koorling Arts Centre
Descriptor: Facilitator: YMCA
Accreditation Links: OSHC 5.2
This workshop will give participants plenty of opportunity to learn about ways of promoting interest, variety and challenge in the great outdoors with school aged children. You will come away with a wide range of ideas for setting up and maximising spaces within the outdoor environment.
18th QA – Are you Ready?
6.30-8.30 YMCA
Descriptor: Facilitator: YMCA
Accreditation Links: QIAS: 7.2, OSHC: FDC: 6.3
Organisation and preparation are the two key factors essential to any continuous improvement plan.
This session covers:
• The NCAC CCQA Systems
• The steps involved in the Accreditation process
• Ways an organisational self evaluation and continuous improvement process can be facilitated and documented
• How to ensure spot checks and validation visits run smoothly. Participants are recommended to bring a copy of their services NCAC Quality Practices Guide.
23rd Cross Cultural Communication in Early Childhood
6.30-8.30 YMCA
Descriptor: Facilitator: Goodrun Solutions
Accreditation Links: QIAS; 2.1, 4.3 OSHC: 2.2, 3.3 FDC: 1.1, 3.6
The workshop will help you discover how much fun it is to use a variety of means to communicate with each other and the children!
30th Programming and Planning for FDC
6.30-9pm YMCA
Descriptor: Facilitator: YMCA
Accreditation Links: FDC 3
Do you find yourself asking the question “What is the need for all this programming?” This session will give Family Day Carers an opportunity to learn about purposeful documentation and how to use it to provide an
environment that is in tune with each child’s current interests, abilities and needs, whilst being flexible and adaptable to the home environment.